Home Știri NAIAS nu uită să ne împărtășească și viziunile sale conceptuale

NAIAS nu uită să ne împărtășească și viziunile sale conceptuale

de Aurel Niculescu

Iar aparent acestea sunt destul de japoneze, dacă stăm să ne gândim la noutățile principale din această categorie: Honda Insight Protoype, Acura RDX Protoype, Lexus LF-1 Limitless și Nissan Xmotion.

Despre primul dintre ele deja am discutat, astfel încât ne vom axa cum doar pe ultimele trei – ca de obicei, ordinea este alfabetică, pentru a nu fi acuzați de intenții de favorizare. Astfel, Acura, marca de lux a celor de la Honda, a adus la North American International Auto Show din Detroit „cea mai extinsă reproiectare a unui model Acura din ultima decadă” sub forma RDX Protoype, în esență un preview extrem de apropiat de modelul de serie pentru noua generație a popularului crossover.

Iar noul RDX chiar este un pas în față pentru Acura, având parte inclusiv de o nouă platformă neînrudită tehnic cu vreun model de la Honda, dimensiuni sporite, o greutate mai redusă și un interior axat mai ales pe creșterea calității percepute. Cocktailul noului RDX Protoype include un nou propulsor de 2 litri turbo, sistem de tracțiune integrală SH-AWD, dar și un nou sistem de infotainment bazat pe Android și controlat de la un touchpad inovativ, botezat „True Touchpad Interface”.

Urmează la rând Lexus LF-1 Limitless, un concept SUV impunător și la propriu și la figurat – ce reprezintă probabil direcția de urmat pentru marca de lux a celor de la Toyota dar și un preambul pentru o viitoare a patra generație a modelului fullsize LX, ce „dormitează” pe piața americană de mai bine de o decadă în aceeași formă. Nu este absolut „limitless”, dar LF-1 cu siguranță nu ar încăpea prea ușor în altă parte decât în America, cu lungimea sa de peste 5 metri, designul fiind de altfel realizat în colaborare cu un studio californian – CALTY Design Research, implicați în trecut și în proiectul FT-1, ce servește drept preview pentru noua Supra. La interior, LF-1 Limitless este mai degrabă minimalist în concepție, oferind inclusiv mostre de tehnologie avansată precum butoanele sensibile la atingere sau sistemul de navigație 4D.

Nu în ultimul rând, Nissan pare pregătit tot de o revoluție stilistică în zona segmentului crossover/SUV, dacă ar fi să ținem cont de recentele lansări conceptuale – dar mai ales de prezența prototipului Xmotion la Detroit. Tot un exercițiu de stil, la fel ca LF-1, noul concept Nissan este poate cel mai japonez dintre toate cele trei – mai ales la interior. Cât despre exterior, vă putem împărtăși doar aluziile companiei cu privire la adoptarea și adaptarea liniilor sale pentru modele în producție dincolo de 2020. Revenind la interior, Xmotion aduce pe lângă tehnologii avansate și o mostră de serenitate autentic niponă – spre exemplu partea de jos a planșei de bord este realizată din elemente de lemn îmbinate conform unei tehnici locale speciale, în timp ce ambianța alb cu roșu ne aduce aminte de steagul Japoniei iar inițializarea sistemului de infotainment este însoțită de apariția unui pește tradițional din Țara Soarelui Răsare.

Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept
Making its global debut at the North American International Auto Show January 15, the 2019 RDX Prototype is the first in a new generation of Acura models developed fully from the Precision Crafted Performance concept

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